Follow The Fed Memberships

Follow the Fed® Proprietary Membership ($295.00 per Year)

  • Tracking service showing the current position of Follow the Fed® – Standard, Filtered, and Proprietary Strategies detailed in the report Follow the Fed®: the Easy Strategy to True Wealth™ located in the members-only section of the website
  • Email updates on the changes in the portfolio of all the Follow the Fed® strategies
  • The Follow the Fed® strategies are the simplest strategies designed for investors with limited choices, such as 401(k) plans, or who desire ultimate simplicity in their investing strategy. You have only limited choices: large or small stocks or gold and treasury bonds.
  • All the Follow the Fed® strategies are fully invested.
  • Email lessons on investing from being on the front lines. These are the lessons that I learned from all my successes and mistakes with investing. This is the information that they did not teach me at Wharton School of Business but can only be learned in the Street.
  • Monthly Commentary on the state of the market and the economy.
Sign Up for the Follow the Fed® Proprietary Membership

Twin Foundations™ Membership ($5,000.00 per Year - Billed Quarterly @ $1,250.00)

  • Everything offered in all the Follow the Fed® memberships described above
  • Current positions of the Twin Foundations™ investment strategies listed in a members-only section of the website:
    1. Twin Foundations™ Fully Invested Strategy: designed for the investor who wishes to be fully invested in the stock market at all times.
    2. Twin Foundations™ Aggressive Strategy: designed for the investor who wishes to be primarily invested in the stock market but to attempt to sidestep major bear markets by being in cash or hedging his portfolio during these periods.
    3. Twin Foundations™ Conservative Strategy: designed for the investor who wishes to be invested in the stock market only for the major upward moves and be in cash or hedging his portfolio for a significant portion of the time.
    4. Twin Foundations™ Filtered Conservative Strategy: designed for the investor who wishes to be invested in the stock market only for the major upward moves and be in cash for significant periods of time including times when the credit markets deteriorate.
    5. Twin Foundations™ Ultra Conservative Strategy: designed for the investor who wishes to be invested in cash more than any of our other equity strategies and therefore spend the least amount of time in the market. Given this fact, the Ultra Conservative Strategy may significantly underperform the S&P 500 during bull markets but may offer protection during severe bear markets.
  • The current position of the U.S Equity Market Trend Indicator in a members-only section of the website. This is designed to measure the trend of the American stock market using technical indicators, alternating between Neutral or Negative. It is not a strategy but is designed to be used as a barometer. It can also be used as a filter on the Twin Foundations™ strategies in which the strategies are put into Cash when the indicator is negative.
  • Email updates on the changes in the portfolio of the Twin Foundations™ and Follow the Fed® strategies and the U.S. Equity Market Trend Indicator.
  • Special updates on my on my newest research. This is available only to Twin Foundations™ members.
  • This membership is designed for investors with portfolios greater than $50,000.
  • This is designed for investors who want the option to try to minimize or to sidestep downturns in the market and access to all my equity strategies.
Sign Up for the Twin Foundations™ Membership